00 Years Experience.

About Us

BENYA Systems

Our objective is to provide services and products from the start but building competences, seeking after new and innovative solutions.

Our offerings will always depend on two major factors IT and Telecom.

  • M2M (Machine to Machine) Services which includes car tracking, safety, Asset Tracking RFID, M Health , AIS Technologies, and GPS Based Solutions.
  • SAP services (Licenses, Implementation & Training)
  • IT & Telecom System Integration
  • Infrastructure Solutions, (IT Security, Networking Services and CCTV)
  • Electronics Spare Parts and Services.


  • Benya acts as a middle layer between the organization and the start-ups. On the behalf of the organizations we preform 4 specific functions:

    1.    Assessment & Auditing - Helping organizations determine their current level of strengths and weakness in running an organization that supports and grows entrepreneurial ventures.

    2.    Management Processes - Helping organizations determine the processes and management strategies that enables the smooth and effective running of entrepreneurial ventures. Our services include running the day-to-day administration and operations.

    3.    Organize Public Events - We organize public events to encourage entrepreneurship within the young Arab community. These events are aimed at creating interest that entrepreneurship is a viable career option. All events will include psychometric tests that will reveal the participant's entrepreneurship potential. These events include:

    o    Start-Up Boot Camps - These 2 day events is an intensive program to teach the core skills necessary to create an idea and learn how to pitch to an expert panel to raise funds.

    o    "How To Start Your Own Business" Seminars - These 3 hour or half day seminars are designed to create interest in entrepreneurship.

    o    Business Competitions - We have realized Business Plan competitions do not work. Hence, we have developed a new business competition that has PROVEN to be able to create as many as 6-10 launched business per competition.

    4.    Deliver Incubation Training and Support - This 4 month program is designed to take the candidates with potential (regardless of the quality of their ideas), form working teams and train them in both attitude and core business skills. Teams will meet weekly for formal lessons and with their mentors for discussions. This 4 month incubation program requires that teams deliver on their weekly & monthly KPIs in order to receive additional funding and be allowed to continue in the program.




Years of Experience


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